
Things I've been thinking about lately:

Health Insurance - It's time. Jason has successfully found what looks like a good plan that is affordable. We've resisted insurance for the last year and a half but now it feels like it's time to suck it up, grow up a little, and have coverage if anything happens. Why does it have to be so darn expensive and complicated?

Babies - I feel like I'm surrounded by them lately and it's wearing Jason and I down on our strict "we're waiting at least 5 years to have kids" policy. Talk about expensive and complicated! Surely we can't be ready for this yet, but as I was writing out our goals for the future in my grad school application I realized we're never going to be ready for kids. They are absolutely never going to be convenient. So now it's all about finding the least inconvenient time to have kids, because we do want them, and I'm thinking it could be sooner than we all thought. Scary.

Jobs - we've had a semi-offer for a full-time position here in Colorado with the Navigators in the fall. Now we must decide, do we really want to go back to school or should we start working? I can see many pros and cons to both sides and it is still very unclear to me what the right choice will be. I'm trusting that it will be revealed as the summer goes on. It basically has to be.

Dogs - No matter how many dogs I see here, or how many puppy kisses I get from friends' dogs, I can' t stop missing sophie. I'm not sure if I'm going to make it the whole summer. I'm thinking about begging for her to be allowed to live with us here. Then there's the issue of getting her out here... it most likely won't happen, but on days where I miss her a lot it helps to think I may get to see her before late August.

Camp - We're going up to Eagle Lake today to meet with the entire leadership team. Our staff arrive on Thursday to begin staff training. Enrollment for Eagle's Nest is rising daily. It's getting exciting and way to real. I think I can run a camp. I guess we'll see.

T.V. - I think I've been watching too much lately. I'm hoping the craziness of camp with nip that in the bud.

Greentree - I miss our church back home so much. I downloaded two sermons today and I can't wait to listen to them. I miss our friends there and the refreshing community we were a part of there.

Nannying - I had a dream the other night that we were a family's indentured slaves, I mean nanny's again. It was such a relief to wake up and realize that is over.

Friends - I miss lots of them and email and phone calls don't quite cut it.

God - I'm learning more about him every day and it's pretty awesome. I feel like if everyone could understand the gift of life through Jesus Christ and its core message, no one could turn it down. It's so simple, so beautiful and so freeing. Hallelujah