
A Thug with Choral Music

I've learned from living in urban areas for the past few years, never to leave anything valuable in your car. In Nashville, we learned it was better to leave the car unlocked because then if someone decides to break in, they don't have to break anything. This was espcially important with Jason's soft-top Jeep, but one idiot slashed the window before checking the door. Ah, criminals.
Anyway, this morning while taking the trash can to the curb I noticed my car insurance card on the sidewalk. Upon returning it to the center console I discovered some person, who smells funny, had gone through my console while I slumbered last night. As I said above, I never leave anything of remote value in my car. Spare change, insurance card and sunglasses. That's about it. I think he did take the $5 ladies sunglasses. Whatever.
However, I did have a couple burnt cd's in there from a road trip and they are now in the hands of the thug. iTunes has made this so not a big deal, because I still have the music, I'll just have to burn another cd, big whoop. So, the cd's I happened to have in my car? Jimmy Eat World, Ben Folds, and here's the fun part, 2 Christmas Choral Cd's! My good sense tells me that once this person reads the writing on these burnt cd's, he won't even give it a listen, but I really hope he'll be compelled from curiosity and that this new discovery of peaceful Christmas Choral music will soften his persona, will change his heart, will lead him to a new path in life. Perhaps he'll knock on my door during this holiday season donning a santa cap and tell me how much my choral music changed his life and he just had to let me know. And then he'll save a kitten from being hit by a car and give a baby a candy cane... All because he went through my car and found not a wallet, not an ID, not even a dollar's worth of change - he found choral music. Ah.


9 months!

I am now 36 weeks - 9 months - pregnant. Hooray! 37 weeks is full-term, so even though my due date is November 25th, I could have the baby anytime from Saturday on and it wouldn't be a pre-mature baby. At the doctor on Thursday I was 1cm dialated and 50% effaced. For those of you who this means nothing to, your cervix thins out prior to labor and that's called effacment and your cervix dilates in labor to 10cm. So, my cervix is 50% out of the way and 1 of the 10cm it needs to get to to be fully dliated - that's when you start to push. At about 3 or 4cm you are considered to be in active labor and going from 1cm-3cm can be a matter of weeks or a matter of days, you never know. So, once I get to Saturday I'm planning on doing lots of deep squatting to encourage this baby to come on down! I have a baby shower today and hopefully we'll get everything we need to feel like we're ready for baby Wilson to come home. Jason and I both are really sick of this pregnancy thing because I've basically been pregnant for over a year now - we only had 7 weeks between the two pregnancies, 6 of which my hormones were recovering during. Hello! So, we're so ready to get the pregnant part behind us and have some fun with a little one! I'm also ready to lose this belly. I feel pretty fortunate that besides the belly my body is staying relatively the same size. People have told me I'll never get into my old pants, but I disagree wholeheartedly! Those same people told me my shoe size would change and so far, my shoes still fit! Anyway, that's enough of a rant. We're really excited and so eager to meet this kid and to find out what it is! Hopefully it will be sooner than later