
Meet the newest Wilson!!!

Hey everyone, Today, November 17th at 3:15pm Natalie gave birth to Amelia Noel Wilson.
I am sure Natalie will talk much more about this later, but until then, here are the pictures!!!


Breaking News

Well, of course the last ultrasound I get we actually could see the gender of this baby! And....
It's a girl! Amelia Noel So, congrats to all of those who voted for a girl, you were right. I'll have you know I was one of those voters =) I'm pretty excited and I think Jason is too, maybe just a little shocked though! I sure hope she comes soon


Alright, it's week 38 and baby Wilson is still inside - hopefully not too much longer now. I've had high blood pressure the last couple of doctor's visits and I've been getting a tad bit swollen so I had to collect my urine for 24 hours last week. If any of you ever get the chance to experience such bliss as collecting a jug of your own urine, I'll rejoice with you. Anyhoo, unfortunately, I have borderline symptoms of a condition called pre-eclampsia. Basically, it makes your blood vessels constrict and things go a bit haywire. If it's severe they get the baby out asap. I don't have the condition, I'm just moving towards it, so I'm really hoping this baby is ready to make an appearance! Today I'm having an ultrasound to make sure I still have enough amniotic fluid and I have to take a non-stress test each week until I deliver. These are just precautions, but it's making it feel like these last two weeks could drag on forever! I'm 2.5cm dialated and 80% effaced now so I really hope that means the baby will come this week. You just can't predict these things dangit.

Jason and I are trying to make the most of our last days as just us, not mommy and daddy with baby. We're going on walks to the coffee shop, catching a movie or two - all the things we can do on a whim now that won't be quite so simple pretty soon. His parents were here this weekend and they so wanted the baby to come while they were here! Of course things never work out that perfectly. Everyone is just so eager to meet this little one, it's getting a little crazy. So, hopefully it will be soon but I'm confident it won't happen until the time is just right for baby, and that's how it should be. If I have the time, when I do go into labor I'll put a quick post up to let everyone know. If my water breaks while we're out somewhere or something crazy like that, I'll just post as soon as I can and of course, put up a picture!