I'm not sure how thrilled I am to have my belly on the internet, but oh well, here it is. This was at 19 and 20 weeks respectively. Today I'm 21 weeks! The time is flying.
In other news, we've completed 6 of the 10 weeks of Day Camp already! It's amazing how fast the summer goes by. I won't pretend I'm sad it's going by so fast, I just don't have the patience and energy I did last summer. I'm blaming it on hormones. We have a really great staff and I feel so blessed by them, especially compared to last summer. They do a really good job and it helps me not have to work 12 hour days this time around. Jason will be moving to St. Louis in two weeks! He's starting Law School at St. Louis University August 16th. My camp ends August 11th and then I'll probably stick around Colorado Springs an extra week or so to wrap things up here. We've enjoyed Colorado Springs, especially the weather, but we miss our friends and churh in St. Louis a lot. We're pretty excited about the move. Law School takes three years so maybe we'll actually stay put in one place for more than 9 months! Hooray!
I'll try to get back to posting on a semi-regular basis now. Sorry!