

I apologize. I realize that my last post probably did not make a whole lot of sense due to lack of context. This summer Jason was offered a position with the Navigators as their short-term missions coordinator. Jason was very excited by this job and it was an almost instant yes from us. Then, we were both offered full-time work with Eagle Lake and Eagle's Nest Day camp. Then we had to pray over which job we were supposed to take and if I should still pursue my master's degree. After MUCH prayer and seeking wise counsel, Jason and I decided he should take the missions coordinator job and I will continue working with Eagle's Nest for at least one more summer.
So, we will be moving back to St. Louis for the fall to raise support and tie up loose ends there. We are planning to move to Colorado Springs permanently this winter- probably in January. We are really excited about this job and the opportunities God is entrusting us with. However, I am going to be sad to leave St. Louis for good. Most especially because of my 11 year-old sister and our amazing church and house group with Greentree Webster. But, when God calls us, we will follow, no matter what we must leave behind.

So there it is


One decision down

Jason has decided to take the missions job he was offered here. He is going to be coordinating the Navigators short-term missions trips. We are really excited. It looks like I'll still probably get my master's from covenant, now I'm just going to do their distance learning program. Good stuff.

We're on our 9th of 10 weeks of camp. Almost there! An 8 year-old sliced his leg open with a pair of kiddie scissors today and had to get stitches. The adventures never cease. It has been a fun summer, but I'm glad it's almost over! I need a break from kids =)