
There's a Mouse in our House

I made the terrifying discovery today that we have a little mouse living in our basement. I made this discovery when I watched it run across the floor while feeding Amelia some Mango. I screamed like a little girl, which made Amelia's lower lip quiver. I had to reassure her that everything was all right. But it's not alright. I'm sorry, I just can't not be grossed out and a tad bit frightened of this little creature. I hope I can sleep tonight. Maybe my cat can earn his keep this evening. It's so funny, as much as I don't want the little guy in our house, I also don't want to kill him. This complicates things. Sadly, he will probably have to die to be removed from our home, but, maybe Jason with his ninja like quickness can catch him in something and put him outside.

And for the record, my dog, just laid there and watched the thing run around. Thanks a lot Sophie. Thanks a lot.


Whoa Nelly

We're putting a back-up contract on a house. It went under contract last night, but if it falls through ours will become the primary contract. Holy cow, we might buy a house. I'm really excited but really nervous at the same time. That's a huge stinkin' commitment. I'm just trusting that if it's meant to be, it will be, and if not, the first contract with go through. Just had to share.

Also, I would like to state that every single time I attempt to "enter the letters as they are shown in the image" I get it wrong somehow. It's amazing I ever get a post to publish. Thankfully they get easier to read with each try. This post took three tries.