So, just when you'd given up on me blogging about moving to St. Louis, here it is. Not so soon as I had promised, but being written none the less. So, Jason and I are now living in an apartment above a garage behind a mansion in Ladue. Ladue is the wealthiest part of St. Louis. We are living on the grounds of a country club, so there's a big beautiful golf course across the street. It's nice and dark and quiet at night and all around beautiful. We get to live in this luxurious neighborhood in return for helping in the afternoon with the three kids who live in the mansion- Jon, 13 Isabelle,10 and Anna, 8. They are great kids and are the grandchildren of former senator Jack Danforth, who is now the ambassador to the UN. No pressure. Actually, the family is fabulous. They are really down to earth and so far I have enjoyed running them to this practice and that and helping with pre-algebra homework... it makes me feel smart. Anyway, we feel incredibly blessed that God dropped this incredible living arrangement in our laps. We don't have to pay rent, we just have to carpool kids. You can't beat that. And we get to live in an incredibly beautiful area. The apartment we're living in is bigger than the one we lived in in Nashville. It's an all around great deal. As soon as we find jobs, we'll be set!
So, the little aura quiz I posted a few posts ago has actually given me insight into my personality that I hadn't noticed clearly before. Could it be that an online quiz on aura's has truly enlightened me? I guess crazier things could happen. The quote in my aura that caught me off guard was the following: "They are not fond of working hard but will do so if it gains them a prosperous life." After I read my little aura I thought to myself that this part of the description was way off because I'm a really hard worker. But then it kept coming back to my mind and I kept thinking about how it was phrased and now after being out of a job for a week I've realized that there's a lot of truth to the statement. I am a hard worker- I get tasks done efficiently and I do an excellent job. I try my hardest, I work hard. However, when given the choice to work hard or do nothing, I choose to do nothing. This week I've thought about things I could have gotten done last week with the rare and valuable free time I have right now not working. I didn't do any of it. I watched cable, I slept in, I went to sibling's sporting events. I didn't work at all. Sunday and Monday Jason and I moved all of our stuff here and arranged a lot, cleaned a lot, unpacked a lot and by Tuesday night Jason was done unpacking and I only had two boxes left. I left those stupid boxed packed, which had my clothes and my shoes in them, until Friday night. And then I unpacked them because Jason's parents were coming the next morning. Why did I wait so long to unpack them? Because it wasn't crucial that they be unpacked immediately, so I chose to watch Ellen. What the heck? I feel kind of bad just laying around and not being productive for more than a day or two, and yet I don't feel bad enough to go do something about it. So, I think that part of the aura thing was right about me and I never even realized it until now at 22. I don't like to work, but I will if it needs to be done. Crazy. That's probably why I like to sleep a lot too. I guess I had better continue taking online quizzes to find out who I really am. Who knows, I could be destined to be a ninja and not even know it until I take the right quiz. Oy. This blog is another great example of my lack of motivation I guess. I don't have a good excuse why my posts are few and far between at times, I just don't make myself do it. I want to work on this.
Our Summer
6 years ago
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