The videos released today showing that Bush had warning about the levees in New Orleans being a realistic threat was the last straw for me. Those who still support this guy, I'm sorry but I'm done. I can barely stand the sight of him or the sound of his voice right now. I feel betrayed, I feel foolish for thinking he deserved to be president again. I'm happy about his appointments to the supreme court solely because I am pro-life. That's the only positive thing I can say about this guy. He's either completely clueless or completely corrupt. He spills endless words with false sentiment, false hope and fruitless promises. I nearly choked on my salad at lunch when I heard him telling the press in Afghanistan that Osama Bin Laden will be apprehended and we are hot on his trail. Enough is enough! SHUT UP until you have something of substance to say. In case you can't tell, I'm rather pissed off. If you want to read an article about the videos here's a link.
Jason and I finally have a name for ourselves politically. We haven't been sure what to call ourselves and now I think we've got it. We are the Christian Left. We aren't completely left because we're pro-life and we believe in absolute truth. We demand social justice and equality here in the States and around the world. We want debts forgiven, we want affordable health care, we don' t want tax breaks for the rich. There are others who describe this all much better than myself. One of them is Tony Campolo. If you don't like curse words, you may not want to read the second quote =)
"I think that Christianity has two emphases. One is a social emphasis to impart the values of the kingdom of God in society - to relieve the sufferings of the poor, to stand up for the oppressed, to be a voice for those who have no voice. The other emphasis is to bring people into a personal, transforming relationship with Christ, where they feel the joy and the love of God in their lives. That they manifest what the fifth chapter of Galatians calls "the fruit of the Spirit". Fundamentalism has emphasized the latter, mainline churches have emphasized the former. We cannot neglect one for the other." (Source:
"I have three things I'd like to say today. First, while you were sleeping last night, 30,000 kids died of starvation or diseases related to malnutrition. Second, most of you don't give a shit. What's worse is that you're more upset with the fact that I said shit than the fact that 30,000 kids died last night." (\
Our Summer
6 years ago
ouch...when I saw your headline I thought, "she's as fed up as me over the constant bitchin' about New Orleans!!" how come we never hear anything about the rest of the folks affected by Katrina? in MS and TX and what about those in FL? could it be that an inept local and state government (the most corrupt parrish in the most corrupt state) run by the PC's completely screwed the pooch in LA? Funny how that doesn't grab headlines. But it doesn't fit the mold, the agenda. Sure, there's plenty of blame to go around, FEMA droped the ball, too. But when the haters are given the fuel to hate...and they HATE George Bush, no amount of good deeds will change the minds of those whose minds already made up. Who released those tapes and to what end? Was Bush to go down and take care of the crisis himself? Is that the role of the federal government?
What troubles me is your seeming quickness to change so dramatically. Would we have been better of if Al Gore had been in the Whitehouse on 9-11? Would we have a chance at ridding our country of the travesty, Roe V Wade if John Kerry was in the Whitehouse making apointments to the Supreme Court today?
I think President Bush is a most honorable man, a man who hits his knees everyday. A man who seeks the face and the hand of God. He is indeed refreshing after eight years of his predessor.
The economy is good, there are new jobs and prosperity. And I believe we will defeat an enemy bent on our destruction. Imagine the alternative.
In my opinion, Mr. Campolo is correct in his assessment of the need for Christ's Church to be socialy active. But only to present the gospel. Its mission is salvation. I beleive people of faith should concern themselves with the business of improving the lives of the less fortunate. But that is secondary to presenting the gospel. Clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, giving comfort to the sick and imprisoned is the work of the church. More and more, it is becoming the role of federal government. A government so impowered, can make slaves of its citizens.
Alexis De Tocqueville wrote of the American experiment that its undiong would begin the day its citizens began voting to themselves, largess. And that is a threat to the spreading of the gospel. One needs only to look to the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to see what such a system can do to enslave its people and become as god. what is needed is tempered social activism unencombered by government and a free market allowed to do what it does best unhindered by confiscatory taxes and over- regulation.
Thank you for such a well written and well thought out comment. You spoke wisely and my post probably seemed out of character or conflicted, because I am conflicted right now, in many ways. Thanks for your cool headed voice of reason. That's so rare these days!
Hi Natalie, it's Dan from FARC/West Cru ... I don't know if you remember me; I found this via Erica's blog.
Just wanted to say I agree wholeheartedly with your post. You do a good job of capturing a lot of what's been going through my head lately ... that following Jesus doesn't mean backing the GOP 100%, that it's important to address people's spiritual needs and physical needs.
So be encouraged; you guys aren't alone. Sign me up for the Christian Left too. =)
(And I'm going to steal that last quote if you don't mind.)
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