
Cast Your Vote

Now's your chance to exercise your right to vote before this November! Let me know what you think this baby is - I'm certainly curious!

What is Baby Wilson?



Current results

As soon as I figure out the best way to track results, we'll be surveying your guesses for weight, lenght and arrival date. Let the voting begin!


Erica said...

Yay! You got the survey thing to work!

I love names that mean something. I love that Erica comes from my mom's maiden name (Erickson), and that my middle name, Leigh, comes from my dad's father's name (Raleigh). Whether it's a family name or a favorite author or a special song title or a word that means something to you, I think those are the best names.

But just don't name your daughter "J. Lo" because you love "Jenny From the Block" or something like that.

Debby said...

I voted that its a girl. I know these things. j/k missing you!