Amelia is doing pretty well. We had a rough week last week though. She got her 4 month shots - I hate shots so, so much. And, I started eating eggs again and then mushrooms and one of the two did not work out so well at all. I know for sure now that she is very allergic to soy and we're just assuming dairy because the two usually go hand in hand at this age. Corn might be okay, gotta give it a few more days. Eggs seemed like they were okay but then she started freaking out at every meal again. I kept eating mushrooms and then 24 hours after I stopped them she improved. The confusing factor her is that mushrooms are not an allergen and eggs are. It would be strange for her to be reacting to the mushrooms and not the eggs, but, it seemed like mushrooms. If these sentences are driving you crazy to read, this is my life right now and sometimes I feel like I'm gonna lose it. I just want to be able to eat anything again! I have a new sympathy for people with food allergies and I'm praying desperately that Amelia will grow out of hers. Here's some good news though, Amelia is now able to fall asleep on her own. This, is, HUGE. Now, I can sing her a song, give her her pacifier and she can go to sleep. I was told this day would come and I was guardedly hopeful and now it's here. I think the biggest thing I've learned about parenting so far is that you can't force something on a kid - you can't speed up their progress. You can attempt to guide them towards something, but they're not going to get there until they are good and ready. I'm really glad I didn't do the "cry it out" method with Amelia, trying to teach her to sleep on her own. Not only is it ridiculously heart breaking and counter intuitive as a mother, I don't think it really works. Amelia cried without my help to fall asleep when she was younger because she couldn't fall asleep on her own - she couldn't. Now, she can. I didn't have to force her to learn to fall asleep on her own by depriving her of her mom or dad. Now she's ready to do it without us.
I don't ever want to try to force something on Amelia that she's not ready for just because it will make my life easier (weaning, potty training...). It's really hard sometimes (a lot of times) to put myself and my desires aside to meet hers, but really I'm making it even more difficult if I push because then I have to repair the damage on top of what she already needed. ie, letting her "cry it out" it not working, and then having to comfort her twice as long to get her to sleep.
Well, that's it for now I guess. We'll post again soon
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