
Amelia is actually taking a nap right now. Ground breaking people. I'm still getting it through my head that I'm the one in charge here and if I really think the kid needs a nap I can make her try. Because, oh yeah, I'm the mom. I knew she wasn't just calling me that for fun!

I've had a terrible reminder today that I get random pains in my abdomen somewhat around the time I ovulate/have a period/the moon is a crescent? In December of 2007 I actually went to the doctor for these pains and they sent me to the hospital to rule out appendicitis. That's how much they can hurt. They did a scan and found nothing. No cysts, no anything to cause stabbing/aching pain in my lower abdomen. Pregnancy alleviates this problem - though it causes oh so many others- and I had forgotten about the whole thing. Well, I remember now. Crap!

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