

I have the time to write a post at this moment, but no real inspiration of anything interesting to say....bummer.

How about some random information about myself:

Fave albums of the moment: Regina Spektor - Far, Grizzly Bear- Veckatimist, Phoenix - It's Never Been Like That, Arcade Fire - Neon Bible

Fave song on the radio right now - Don't Let Me Go, The Fray

Fave food right now - Trader Joe's Mango Sorbet, Haagen Daz Mango sorbet in a close second

Hardest food to resist right now, but I must for the sake of Isaac's belly - Coffee
Others I really, really want - cheese, ice cream, butter, Thai food!

Longest stretch of uninterrupted sleep I've gotten in the last week: 4hrs

#of times per day I deal with potty: 10+

Fave shows right now: Mad Men, Breaking Bad, 18 Kids and Counting, Ruby

Movies I really want to see: 500 Days of Summer, Julie, Julia

Time I have to write on this Blog: 0 - Diego has ended!

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