
Words I'm Trying To Live By

"In quietness and in trust shall be your strength." Isaiah

I read yesterday that there is a "slow" movement going on in America. Slow food, slow parenting, slow business management. It struck me as funny that it's labeled as a new movement. In my eyes, it's a return to wiser ways from the past that we have lost sight of.

Whenever I read the Bible I rarely feel challenged to do more. Instead I leave with a greater challenge to do less and trust more. spend more time being still, spend more time listening, more time being quiet.

" be still and know that I am God"

"and Jesus went off to a solitary place to pray."

I type this with a baby in my arms and a preschooler asking for Halloween candy at 8am. Slow and quiet sounds amazing. I desire that kind of strength like never before.

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