
Not much to say

And Life Goes On

It's been so long since I've written that now Sophie weighs 16 pounds. I have no good excuse for why it's been so long since I've written. Perhaps its that not much of anything is happening. I don't want to start writing depressing blogs about how life after college isn't quite what we had expected, but, that is a piece of the truth. I think it's hitting Jason harder than myself. Yesterday his temporary job with Lifeway came to an end, and he looked like a little kid whose best friend had just moved away. That innocent sad face of dissapointment and the uncertainty of what to do next. I'm trying to encourage him and remind him of the promises God has given us about our futures, but sometimes I can almost feel hypocritical as I am fighting feelings of confusion and doubt about the future myself.

My big, smart plan was to substitute teach until I found a real job. Well, first it took a stinkin' month for my background check to get back. Now in the last two weeks of being available in their system they've only called my twice. One can understand why I'm no longer feeling confident about this "great" idea I had to substitute teach. Of course there have been interviews, but it's hard when you're interviewing for a job you know in 6 months you would hate going to. There's only one position I've sent my resume to that I'm really excited about and of course it's the one that hasn't set up an interview with me yet. When I spoke with them I was told I'd made it to the top ten and they would call me for an interview. Alas, it's been almost two weeks and not a word. So, do I call and sound overly eager or even desperate? (because I am, but I can't let them know that!) They should offer a course in school called "reality". In this class we would learn that our college degree really means nothing. Employers that really count also want five years of experience. If everyone is looking for this experience then how does anyone get the experience? Entry level positions don't seem to exist anymore, and if they do it's as a salesman, as Jason has found out.

And then there's music. We're making it, but will anyone want to listen to it?

I realize now that up until this point I thought I was living life focused on the right things by working hard in school, making great friends, and building a relationship with the Lord. I see now that although those things were great and important, I should have put more into the Lord than school or anything else. In an instant all of those things are gone, and He's all you have left. Even with a husband. I feel like I am being tested. It's like I'm a year-old infant and my father (God) has let go of my hand so I can see that I can walk on my own. It's okay if I stumble, but it hurts us both. I have what I need to walk, now I just need to believe.
Translation of another Natalie metaphore, God has given me passion and certain abilities. The days of learning how to use them are over. He wants me to use them, he wants me to walk. It's time. My explanation may not make sense. Well, I know what I'm trying to say. Fear is not of God or from God. It should not have any part in our decisions or our aspirations. In times of uncertainty such as just graduating, moving away and getting marrtied, fear is an easy and familiar pillow to put my face in. But I know that if I keep it there it will only smother me. Life is to short not to go for your passions and to important to not use the time to practice what God has created you to do for eternity.

I think I've had too much time to read too many books and now my theology/philosophy has gotten a little jumbled. I'll try to make things clearer next entry. If anything, you are seeing my state of mind through my writing and it's a little scattered to say the least. Until next time. For those who understand, I am The Poisonwood Bible, according to the test. It's scary how accurate the description was. buh-bye

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