
Third graders can be quite a frikin' handful

Hi, my name is Mrs. Wilson and I will be your teacher today. (Please don't give me a hard time) They never really follow through on that request. I've become quite the popular subsitute at Chadwell Elementary and I keep wondering how this happened. I don't particularly like elementary school kids. I would take high school over elementary school any day and if I was called for a Kindergarten job, I would flat out refuse it. Those kids are crazy, you don't even know. Beginning last Tuesday I became Mrs. Hudson, the third grade teacher. She asked me to teach for her Tuesday through Friday, the principal had recommended me. Okay.... This class had a reputation and I can see why. I finished on Friday relieved and a little exhausted, but proud of myself because other teachers told me that I had more control of the class than their regular teacher! But, oh the cruel joke, it was not over. I was called yesterday and the woman I guess decided she liked time off a lot. So, I begrudgingly accepted the assignment for ms. hudson's class today and tomorrow because I didn't want to put some poor unsuspecting sap substitute through hell the next two days with a challenging class and no lesson plans. Why am I a nice person?
It actually makes me sad because they're really not bad kids at all. They've been told that they are bad all year by their miserable teacher who needs to retire, and now they believe it and don't try to be any better. It's sad. These kids are already giving up on themselves and they're nine years old. I don't know if its silly to hope that I can make a difference in their lives in one week and one day, but I'm trying as I'm stifling the screams that want to come out when one child is out of his seat AGAIN!!!!! And "she called me Biscuit, or Big Nose, or Stinky, or whatever the heck insult bothers a third grader", is called my way for the 100th time. I'm telling them they are good kids, and I'm trying to prove it to them every day with mercy, consequences only when they deserve it, and rewards when they deserve it, and sometimes even when they don't. I like to give them a break. Anyway, I'm not sad that tomorrow is my last day with them, but I am sad that their futures might already be jaded by one burnt out teacher.

I saw Patty Griffin in the rain on Saturday at River Stages here in Nashville. Inspiring to say the least. I could listen to her all day. It made me really excited to play on May 14th at the Artisan- come one come all! (shameless self promotion)

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