
On the Move Again

"I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down" - Chumba Wumba

Jason and I have accepted the positions of assistant director and director of Eagle's Nest Day Camp in Colorado Springs! I am the director and Jason is my assistant (yeah girl power). Our position starts May 1st and the camp runs from June 6th - August 12th. We are really, really excited for many reasons. We love Colorado so, so much and have wanted to move out there since we've gotten married, we just wanted to have a job out there before we jumped in. We love Eagle Lake Camp and the Navigators and now we get to work with them and for them again. There's nothing like returning to the place that changed your life with love. We get to do a job we will love and find purpose in. After many a boring post college crappy job, we finally get to do work that challenges us, uses our skills and strengths, and we get to try out working together. It will be a great test and I hope we work well together because I've always imagined myself doing ministry with my husband as a team. Now that I have this to look forward to, everything seems a bit better. I have hope again that there is work out there for me that I will love doing! Sometimes it looks pretty bleak. Once again, God hasn't left us hanging. He's still there and moving ahead with his plans. It's always reassuring! Also, Jason and I have finally found a church in St. Louis that's as cool as our church in Nashville was. It's called Green Tree Webster and it is so refreshing. After trying many different churches in St. Louis, we have finally found one that has real people living out real Christianity. The pastor is real and translucent in his speaking. People are so friendly. Each time we've gone people have introduced themselves to us (without the pastor saying it was meet and greet time) and they were totally genuine, not just being nice. We went to a pastor's dessert tonight, and we met in a person's home with the pastor, some new people and a small group that met in that house every thursday night. They made us awesome desserts and the pastor shared his heart about the missions and goals of the church and then we got to ask him any questions we had. Their house groups meet together to be a family. They hang out, watch a movie, share their life stories, sometimes talk about the Bible. The focus is on sharing one another's lives, not completing a bible study chapter each week. I find it really refreshing and exciting that we found a church in Nashville and now St. Louis that seems to actually be living out the example set for us in the New Testament where we love one another, we embrace everyone no matter where they're coming from, and we encourage one another in our faith, to press on. I wish everyone could have this type of church experience instead of the many corrupt, fake, repulsive congregations there are in this country that have turned so many people off to the faith. I feel truly blessed and I am encouraged that maybe this type of real church with real people living out the Word for real, will keep popping up in cities, and then maybe there will be more and more in each city and people won't feel judged by the church anymore but welcomed and loved just as they are. "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" Jesus came for the sick, not the well, and if you get real honest, we're all sick and need a doctor. I'm just so excited to be in a body of people who are real and aren't afraid to admit it.
Enough of my tangent, I'm just really excited because life is looking up. I felt like 2005 would be turning a corner, a big new start, and so far it's happening. Yay


Erica said...

Wow! What a great job for you two! Congratulations, Natalie!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that women should be in positions of authority in ministry.