
Ouch - Warning, Gross Picture Below

Not for the faint of heart!

I dropped a glass, well, broke a glass on my foot Sunday morning. I now have 5 stitches and a swollen purple/blue big toe and top of my foot. This puts me in the most melancholy mood.

I broke my wrist when I was six and I became so depressed my mom called a psychologist friend because she didn't know what to do with me. I don't know what it is, but when I'm hurt and then limited physically, I just get into a funk.

It doesn't help that I've already been in a funk lately. I'm just feeling off and disconnected. I'm sick of always having something I should be doing or someone I should be calling or something. Yet, I know if all I did was stay home all day, like I have to today because of my freaking foot, than I would go insane. My whining is even annoying me. Boo me. I mean, 120,000 some people died in Asian natural disasters this month, and I'm complaining about five stitches? Please!

I'm in a funk. If anyone has directions out of this place, let me know.

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